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2/12/2025 4:46:12 PMGemak mCoils missing pitches added.improvement 
Gemak mCoils missing pitches added.
2/12/2025 4:45:51 PMGemak mCoils coil selection library updated ( 
Gemak mCoils coil selection library updated (
2/12/2025 6:22:20 AMHAHU - Eurovent hygiene rules are changed. 1 - Compliance with VDI6022-1:2018 and DIN 1946-4 standards V 5 2 - D2 model box required R32 11 3 - Mandatory condensate trays R33 11 4 - Labelling of components R37 12 5 - Inspection windows for filters R42 13 6 - Precision of 2 filter stages and efficiency R43 13 7 - Minimum filter area needed R45 13 8 - Material and inspection windows for coolers R50, R51 14 9 - Shutdown of the unit and inspection windows for humidifiers R53, R54 14 10 - Belt-driven fans not permitted for Level 3 R60 16 11 - Information and indication needed for fans R64, R65 17 12 - Required classes for dampers R68 18 13 - General wording All Allupdate 
HAHU - Eurovent hygiene rules are changed. 1 - Compliance with VDI6022-1:2018 and DIN 1946-4 standards V 5 2 - D2 model box required R32 11 3 - Mandatory condensate trays R33 11 4 - Labelling of components R37 12 5 - Inspection windows for filters R42 13 6 - Precision of 2 filter stages and efficiency R43 13 7 - Minimum filter area needed R45 13 8 - Material and inspection windows for coolers R50, R51 14 9 - Shutdown of the unit and inspection windows for humidifiers R53, R54 14 10 - Belt-driven fans not permitted for Level 3 R60 16 11 - Information and indication needed for fans R64, R65 17 12 - Required classes for dampers R68 18 13 - General wording All All
2/5/2025 10:58:45 PMPedestal/Base name is added to the first page of the technical report.improvement 
Pedestal/Base name is added to the first page of the technical report.
2/6/2025 8:32:07 AM"Winter Capacity Compliance Ratio (%)" and "Summer Capacity Compliance Ratio (%)" fields are added to run around coil selection list. By this way closest capacity of the return air side coil can be determined easily.improvement 
"Winter Capacity Compliance Ratio (%)" and "Summer Capacity Compliance Ratio (%)" fields are added to run around coil selection list. By this way closest capacity of the return air side coil can be determined easily.
2/5/2025 5:05:41 PM"Run Around Coil" fluid velocity and fluid pressure drop limits can be defined in the "BackOffice / Coil Limits" section.improvement 
"Run Around Coil" fluid velocity and fluid pressure drop limits can be defined in the "BackOffice / Coil Limits" section.
2/5/2025 4:24:43 PMWhen selecting "Run Around Coil" with the fixed fluid flow, return side fluid in temperature was not correct. This problem is solved.update / bugfix 
When selecting "Run Around Coil" with the fixed fluid flow, return side fluid in temperature was not correct. This problem is solved.
2/5/2025 4:20:56 PM(3D) STP/STEP exported file was not able to open correctly via "Solid Works", this problem is solved.bug fix 
(3D) STP/STEP exported file was not able to open correctly via "Solid Works", this problem is solved.
2/2/2025 2:53:25 PM"Draw according to door surface" option is added to the "Settings / Technical Report" section to show the right or left surface of the AHU according to door surface.improvement 
"Draw according to door surface" option is added to the "Settings / Technical Report" section to show the right or left surface of the AHU according to door surface.

Draw according to door surface.png
2/2/2025 2:13:55 PMCapacity will not be added to the total heating capacity of the AHU for the heating and condensing coil and the electric heater which are used as dehumidifier.update 
Capacity will not be added to the total heating capacity of the AHU for the heating and condensing coil and the electric heater which are used as dehumidifier.
1/30/2025 1:28:20 PMPlenum fan minimum motor frequency is changed. Plenum fan new minimum motor frequency is 35. This may affect your previous AC motor used plenum fan selections.update 
Plenum fan minimum motor frequency is changed. Plenum fan new minimum motor frequency is 35. This may affect your previous AC motor used plenum fan selections.
1/28/2025 10:26:03 AM"Gear Damper Class", "Joint Damper Class", "2. Gear Damper Class", "2. Joint Damper Class" fields are added to "BackOffice / System Settings / Connection" section and "Project / Special Settings / Connection" section. By this way; damper classes are selectable for all damper types. And improvement 
"Gear Damper Class", "Joint Damper Class", "2. Gear Damper Class", "2. Joint Damper Class" fields are added to "BackOffice / System Settings / Connection" section and "Project / Special Settings / Connection" section. By this way; damper classes are selectable for all damper types. And

Gear Damper Class.png
1/28/2025 10:25:48 AM"2. Joint Damper" is added as an air connection type.improvement 
"2. Joint Damper" is added as an air connection type.

2. Joint Damper.png
2. Joint Damper - AHU.png
1/28/2025 9:58:29 AM"Class 4 Damper" is renamed as "2. Gear Damper".improvement 
"Class 4 Damper" is renamed as "2. Gear Damper".

2. Gear Damper.png
2. Gear Damper - AHU.png
1/28/2025 9:05:36 AMCalculated SFP value was not correct if the filter is used inside the crossflow and counterflow heat exchanger.update / bugfix 
Calculated SFP value was not correct if the filter is used inside the crossflow and counterflow heat exchanger.
1/23/2025 3:06:06 PMManuel connection diameter selection feature is added for the DBM coil brand.improvement 
Manuel connection diameter selection feature is added for the DBM coil brand.

DBM manuel connection diameter.png
1/21/2025 4:14:09 AMSecond filter allocations of the copied AHU was being deleted. This problem is solved.bug fix 
Second filter allocations of the copied AHU was being deleted. This problem is solved.
1/20/2025 8:53:02 PMCounterflow heat exchanger filter quantity was not editable when "Fix Filters" checkbox is marked. This problem is solved.bug fix 
Counterflow heat exchanger filter quantity was not editable when "Fix Filters" checkbox is marked. This problem is solved.
1/18/2025 9:56:54 AM"Guard Grille" selection problem is solved for the "EBMPapst (User)" brand in the fan selection window.bug fix 
"Guard Grille" selection problem is solved for the "EBMPapst (User)" brand in the fan selection window.

EBMPapst (User) - Guard Grille.png
1/13/2025 11:15:24 AM"Finned Air Velocity" information is removed from the coil sections of the technical report.improvement 
"Finned Air Velocity" information is removed from the coil sections of the technical report.

Finned Air Velocity.png
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